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Supply Chain Visibility through Web Conferencing

It’s weekend and time for some reflections. Maybe slightly off-topic for this blog, but the other day I came across “Web Conferencing”, a feature-rich full web collaboration service, and it occurred to me how useful this tool is in Supply Chain Management.

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Certain death: Not risky. Uncertain death: risky.
If you know for sure that things will go wrong, there really is no risk. If you don't know for sure [...]
Inbound and outbound vulnerability
After publishing A conceptual framework for the analysis of vulnerability in supply chains, Gøran Sv[...]
Book Review: Customs Risk
International trade and global supply chains are filled with goods that are criss-crossing the globe[...]
Book Review: Supply Chain Risk
A comment on a a previous book review - Supply Chain Risk Managament by Donald Waters - prompted me [...]
America’s Crumbling Infrastructure
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Supply Chain Security
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from HERE and THERE
Finding academic articles without academic journals
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Can you outsource risk?
While China has taken steps to address safety concerns after the recalls of last year, yet small pl[...]