Blog Archives

Resilience as a job description

So I now call myself “Resilience Adviser”. And what do I do? My job is to oversee that the state-managed road network in my region is planned, built, operated and maintained so that it can function 24/7/365, and thus ensure societal safety and societal security.

Posted in THIS and THAT
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A conceptual framework for supply chain vulnerability
Today's article is one of the earlier works on supply chain vulnerability, published in 2000. A conc[...]
Vulnerability and resilience of transport systems
I've been away from academia for the last three years, and in my efforts to catch up with the latest[...]
Risk and vulnerability in maritime supply chains
This week's focus are risks in the maritime supply chain. Today's article reflects on security in ma[...]
Book Review: Humanitarian Logistics
Summer break is over and time for a continuation of my blog posts. Humanitarian Logistics by Ronaldo[...]
Calculating the Value-at-Risk
Some of you may remember that I posted about the SCOR Framework for Supply Chain Risk Management ear[...]
Transport infrastructure resilience
Is it possible to devise a simple framework for assessing the resilience of the transport infrastruc[...]
from HERE and THERE
Using social media in a crisis
Scandinavian Airlines facebook
Sometimes the timing of Internet launches is just right. And for Scandinavian Airlines (SAS) the tim[...]
MITIP 2010 – Call for Papers
For several years, when it comes to ICT-driven innovation and production, the MITIP conferences have[...]