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Resilience as a job description

So I now call myself “Resilience Adviser”. And what do I do? My job is to oversee that the state-managed road network in my region is planned, built, operated and maintained so that it can function 24/7/365, and thus ensure societal safety and societal security.

Posted in THIS and THAT
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Friend or foe or both?
Realities of supply chain collaboration
Supply chain collaboration, easy or difficult? And can it really work? In theory yes, but in reality[...]
Call for papers: Global Supply Chain Risk Management
Are you currently planning to write or actually writing a paper on supply chain risk and wondering w[...]
The Nordic approach to Logistics and Supply Chain Management?
Is there such a thing as a typically Nordic way of thinking within the field of Supply Chain Managem[...]
Book Review: Ethical Risk
This is - for the time being - the sixth and final review of the books in the Gower Short Guides to [...]
When disaster strikes... does the transportation network recover? And why are transportation networks so essential to [...]
Transport infrastructure resilience
Is it possible to devise a simple framework for assessing the resilience of the transport infrastruc[...]
from HERE and THERE
Norwegian roads are slooooow...
In a previous post, a while I ago, I stated that Nowegian roads are dangerous...well, not only that,[...]
The Swedish Road Network - Vulnerable or not?
The Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, Sweden KTH is in the finishing stages of a research [...]