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Resilience as a job description

So I now call myself “Resilience Adviser”. And what do I do? My job is to oversee that the state-managed road network in my region is planned, built, operated and maintained so that it can function 24/7/365, and thus ensure societal safety and societal security.

Posted in THIS and THAT
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Supply Chain Confidence
Did a 2001 white paper turn into a 2004 academic journal article just like that? In Mitigating suppl[...]
Economies of integration
Logistics is no longer what it used to be and logistics today plays a much more important and strate[...]
Book review: Cost-Benefit Analysis: Theory and Application
I really enjoyed reading Cost-Benefit Analysis: Theory and Application by Tefvik Nas.  I used this b[...]
Book Review: Cooperative Strategy
Cooperative strategy is the attempt by organizations to realize their objectives through cooperation[...]
Saving Norway's crumbling infrastructure
NTP 2010-2019
Following up my post this morning called "D-Day for Norway's Transport Infrastructure", the numbers [...]
The Benefits of Investing in Supply Chain Security
With the memory of attacks by Somali pirates still fresh in mind, supply chain security has come to [...]
from HERE and THERE
A crisis is NOT an opportunity
Time to debunk one of biggest and most persistent myths that has plagued crisis management for more [...]
3rd Supply Chain Risk Management Seminar 2011
Finally, here it is, the 3rd Supply Chain Risk Management Seminar 2011 to be held in Barcelona, Spai[...]