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Resilience as a job description

So I now call myself “Resilience Adviser”. And what do I do? My job is to oversee that the state-managed road network in my region is planned, built, operated and maintained so that it can function 24/7/365, and thus ensure societal safety and societal security.

Posted in THIS and THAT
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What is Freight Transportation System Resilience?
Resilience is the new buzzword in Supply Chain Management, and has slowly trickled into transportati[...]
Supply Chain Risk Management: A Neural Network Approach
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Book Review: This is where raster GIS started...
...well not really, but Geographic Information Systems and Cartographic Modeling by Dana Tomlin spar[...]
The Nordic approach to Logistics and Supply Chain Management?
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Supply chain disruption risk on the rise
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Risk management - Vocabulary
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from HERE and THERE
The Swedish Road Network - Vulnerable or not?
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The IRM Risk Management Standard
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