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Blog Review: Supply Chain Matters

On the Supply Chain Matters blog Bob provides his unbiased views, insights, and reader education into today’s burning topics surrounding the managing and deployment of global supply chains.

Posted in BLOGS and WEBSITES
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The capability concept
Capability is an important measure in addressing vulnerabilities and in assessing resilience. Is the[...]
Call for papers: Global Supply Chain Risk Management
Are you currently planning to write or actually writing a paper on supply chain risk and wondering w[...]
Risk Management in Maritime Transportation Networks
This week’s focus are risks in the maritime supply chain, and today's article introduces a new metho[...]
Book Review: Logistics Management and Strategy
Logistics Management and Strategy by Alan Harrison and Remko van Hoek does come at very hefty price,[...]
Critical Infrastructure and Resilience
What happens when a business is disabled for a length of time? What are the impacts on its profitabi[...]
The supply chain of the future
A recent report by IBM, referenced by Supply Chain Digest in IBM Lays Out its Vision for the Supply [...]
from HERE and THERE
Operational Excellence - or not
Operational Excellence or OpEx for short, what does that imply and why should you care about it? Wel[...]
International Supply Chain Risk Management
The International Supply Chain Risk Management Network (ISCRiM) is a network of academics interested[...]