Blog Archives

Conferences in Transportation and Supply Chain

Looking for a list of conferences in supply chain and transportation-related topics? By accident, I came across this list on a website called Not only does it feature calls for papers for conferences, but also calls for papers for academic journals, complete with abstract or paper submission deadline.

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International Transport Economics Conference 2009

The International Transport Economics Conference (ITrEC) 2009 will be held during June 15-16, 2009, at the University of Minnesota. If you haven’t already done so, make sure to bookmark this conference in your calendar.

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Sustainable Manufacturing Summit Europe

Soaring fuel prices combined with increasing awareness of the need to adapt for a low-carbon future has brought sustainability to the forefront of every manufacturer’s agenda. How can regulators and manufacturers integrate sustainability in to industrial policy and practice?

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Supply Chain Risk Management 2008

Supply Chain Risk Management 2008, 3rd & 4th November 2008, World Trade Centre, the Netherlands, is an event that you as a Vice President, Director, Head of, Managing Director or Manager of Risk, Supply Chain, Supply Management, Logistics, Distribution, Operations should not miss.

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International Conference on Flexible Supply Chains in a Global Economy

Since this conference is held right at my doorstep I thought I should promote it, especially since my research topic Uncertainty and Disruption in the Supply Chain is one of the topics that is covered.

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How to secure your supply chain - 3/7
Today's post is part three of my continuing journey through the Swedish handbook titled "Säkra föret[...]
Road Vulnerability
Today we are going back in time, to one of the seminal articles in road vulnerability. Katja Berdica[...]
Book Review: Supply Chain Risk
This book, Supply Chain Risk, is from 2004 and edited by Clare Brindley of the Manchester Metropolit[...]
Low Cost Country Sourcing
Low-cost countries. A dream for some and a nightmare for other others. What are typical supply chain[...]
Transport infrastructure resilience
Is it possible to devise a simple framework for assessing the resilience of the transport infrastruc[...]
Global Risks 2012
Are economic imbalances and social inequality risk reversing the gains of globalization? Should we s[...]
from HERE and THERE
Volcanic ash cloud - really a surprise?
Last week a volcanic eruption on Iceland took Europe's civil aviation authorities by total surprise,[...]
MFworks Tutorial
MFworks has evolved from MAPFactory, originally designed by C. Dana Tomlin, the father of map alge[...]