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CSCMP Europe 2009 Conference

The phrase “Supply chains compete, not companies” was coined by Martin Christopher, and it is a fitting reminder for the theme of the CSCMP Europe 2009 Conference: “Overcome Barriers That Face Your Supply Chain and Turn Them into Competitive Advantages”.

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The capability concept
Capability is an important measure in addressing vulnerabilities and in assessing resilience. Is the[...]
Risk Disablers
My latest acquaintance in supply chain risk research methodology is developing  drivers and dependan[...]
Book Review: Ethical Risk
This is - for the time being - the sixth and final review of the books in the Gower Short Guides to [...]
Book Review: Creative Destruction
Like with so many of my other recent book reviews I came across Nolan and Croson's book, Creative De[...]
Creating the resilient supply chain
This blog is about supply chain risk, business continuity and transport vulnerability, and while I h[...]
Infrastructure - essential for competitiveness?
Regular readers of this blog may have noticed my regular rants about the state of the Norwegian infr[...]
from HERE and THERE
BBC World Debate: Disasters - Prepare or React?
Should we actually bother to spend time and money on disaster mitigation, or should we rather focus [...]
The 2009 Nordic Business Continuity Symposium
I guess this will be THE gathering of who's who in the Nordic Business Continuity commuity, and I wi[...]