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Christchurch earthquake…again!?!

Oh dear…another earthquake in Christchurch, New Zealand, less than 6 months after the previous disaster, and this time perhaps even more devastating. One thing for sure, this community is having its disaster plans, business continuity measures and its resilience (and resolve) tested to the full

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Christchurch earthquake and transportation

Christchurch, New Zealand, has been hit by an earthquake. How will the city recover? Will they be able to pull together the resources and quickly return to business as usual? I believe they will.

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Resilience Lessons from the Haiti Earthquake

The recent earthquake in Haiti is a poignant reminder of how vulnerable a country is when it is facing disaster on a grand scale.

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Defining and Measuring Economic Resilience

In contrast to the pre-event character of mitigation, economic resilience emphasizes ingenuity and resourcefulness applied during and after the event. It focuses on the fact that individuals and organizations do not simply react passively or in a “business as usual manner” in the face of a disaster.

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Supply Chain Risk: Culture Shock
Is culture shock the reason why so many global and cross-culture business relationships fail? When i[...]
Community resilience in times of disaster
Can public-private partnerships improve community resilience? This question is posed in Leveraging p[...]
Supply Chain Logistics Risk in Germany
What are the most common supply chain and logistics risks that businesses and logistics providers ha[...]
One bad apple...
...spoils the barrel? Yesterday I sat down to prepare a review of this book, Managing Risks in Suppl[...]
Creating the resilient supply chain
This blog is about supply chain risk, business continuity and transport vulnerability, and while I h[...]
Are roads more important than computers?
Critical Infrastructure. Which is more important - or 'critical' - road networks or computers? What [...]
from HERE and THERE
Raising the dead
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After a five-year hiatus, will go live again very soon! This site has been dormant for m[...]
Book Review: Transportation Systems Security
This book, Transportation Systems Security by by Allan McDougall and Robert Radvanovsky is not what [...]