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Extreme Weather Hazards and Transportation Vulnerability

Weather Extremes: Assessment of Impacts on Transport Systems and Hazards for European Regions is an EU project that aims at analysing the economic costs of more frequent and more extreme weather events on transport and on the wider economy and explores adaptation strategies in the context of sustainable policy design.

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No grit No roads No show?

No grit means no cleared roads means no one able to get anywhere and a no-show of people everywhere. Employees not coming to work because of extreme weather will cost the UK £12,000,000,000,000.

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Occupational hazards in supply chains
Material breakages and damages are not unknown incidents in supply chains, but material damage and o[...]
A grounded definition of supply risk
Risk has many facets and has been studied widely in many settings for many decades. But risk in a su[...]
Enterprise-wide Risk Management
Coming from a crisis management and business continuity background, I really enjoyed reading Enterpr[...]
Risk Management Simplified
Risk management. Why make it difficult when you can make it easy? That is perhaps what Andy Osborne [...]
Risk management - Vocabulary
What is risk management in supply chains? The more I study supply chain risk management, the more co[...]
Global Risks 2008 - A prediction come true
In my post on Hyper-optimization and supply chain vulnerability: an invisible global risk? I highlig[...]
from HERE and THERE
The use of air photos in emergency management
There are a surprisingly large number of applications of air photos in emergency management. These r[...]
Save costs and the environment
Hitting two birds with one stone? Can you shrink manufacturing costs while at the same time operate [...]