Tag Archives: Kovács Gyöngiy

Call for papers: Humanitarian Logistics

With resilience as one the main themes for this blog, from time to time I have written posts on disaster management and humanitarian logistics. Now there is a new source for knowledge on these matters, the Journal of Humanitarian Logistics and Supply Chain Management (JHLSCM). The journal is targeted at academics and practitioners in humanitarian public and private sector organizations working on all aspects of humanitarian logistics and supply chain management. Actually, the journal is not there yet, since the first issue is planned for 2011. However, the first call for papers has just been announced. 

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Humanitarian and military supply chains side-by side

The recent earthquakes in Samoa in the Pacific and in Padang in Indonesia are a poignant reminder for three chapters in my most recent book review, Dynamic Supply Chain Alignment by John Gattorna. In this book, the three chapters by Kim Winter and Michael Whiting and Kate Hughes point at why both military and humanitarian supply chains are needed for the overall best effective rescue effort. Only by combining the two, the strengths of both types of logistics can be exploited, where the extreme agility of rescue organizations can be matched with the extreme efficiency of the military.

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The latest trends in logistics and SCM research

What is at the forefront of current research in supply chain management and logistics right now? I know, thanks to to Gyöngi Kovács at interorganisational.org, who attended the NOFOMA 2009 conference a couple of days ago. At the conference, Emerald, one of the world’s leading publishers of management journals, presented some statistics on which articles that were most downloaded from their online journals during the first quarter of 2009. Update: To read what the latest trends are in 2011 and which forces that are expected to be a major trend towards 2020, please see my post on Future Value Chains and Strategies for 2020.

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Conferences in Transportation and Supply Chain

Looking for a list of conferences in supply chain and transportation-related topics? By accident, I came across a list on a website called interorganisational.org. Not only does it feature calls for papers for conferences, but also calls for papers for academic journals, complete with abstract or paper submission deadline. This makes it easy to select which one is next in line. The list is continuously updated, and although the website owner claims that they only “occasionally” upload call-for-papers, course announcements, open positions, etc., as far as I can see, the list is very complete.

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