Blog Archives

Blog Review: Risk Containment

This month’s blog is a blog for anyone who works with or is exposed to risk, and is a blog full of personal insights, funny stories and profound wisdom with business and management insights told through a personal lens and seen in light of past and present events, coupled with a solid dose of risk understanding.

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Interpreting Resiliency
In yesterday's post on Freight Transportations Systems Resilience I mentioned Kelly Pitera and her M[...]
Strategies for managing risk in multinational corporations
In my post two days ago, reviewing the article by Manuj and Mentzer (2008) titled Global Supply Chai[...]
Book Review: Transportation GIS
This book showcases many examples of how GIS can be applied in the field of transportation using Arc[...]
Book Review: Procurement Risk
"Do yo like living dangerously? Then you should read this book. It exposes you to over seventy types[...]
Infrastructure - essential for competitiveness?
Regular readers of this blog may have noticed my regular rants about the state of the Norwegian infr[...]
Future Value Chain Trends 2020
The twelve future trends that will shape value chains and supply chain management during this decade[...]
from HERE and THERE
How to get a PhD without a dissertation
This is a true story about how I was credited with a PhD without having one, just because someone mi[...]
Will your business byte the dust?
To backup or not to backup? Honestly, you shouldn't even be asking yourself this question. Can you a[...]