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How to use IDRISI GIS

This paper was written in 1999 as part of my coursework for the MSc in GIS at the University of Leicester, UK. Later revised in 2002 and 2008

Posted in THIS and THAT
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The Final Frontier: The Northern Sea Route
Sought after by polar explorers and long awaited by the shipping community: The Northern Sea Route. [...]
A supply chain is never stronger than the weakest link
Are you the weakest link in your own supply chain? That's the question asked in an article in the Ha[...]
Book Review: Strategies and Tactics in Supply Chain Event Management
Operations Management and Logistics have been around for a while, but Supply Chain Management is a r[...]
Book Review: Cooperative Strategy
Cooperative strategy is the attempt by organizations to realize their objectives through cooperation[...]
Critical Infrastructure and Resilience
What happens when a business is disabled for a length of time? What are the impacts on its profitabi[...]
Risky cities - want to work there?
If you are doing global business, do you know where you are at risk and what risk that is most perti[...]
from HERE and THERE
Does a blog have a supply chain?
I admit this does sound funny, but is it possible to say that a blog has a supply chain? And if that[...]
The European Supply Chain & Logistics Summit
In the current financial downturn what should be - or what will be - on the mind of supply chain and[...]