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How to use IDRISI GIS

This paper was written in 1999 as part of my coursework for the MSc in GIS at the University of Leicester, UK. Later revised in 2002 and 2008

Posted in THIS and THAT
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Categorization of Supply Chain Risk
In chapter 2 in Supply Chain Risk by Claire Brindley, there is a framework for assessing and positio[...]
Supplier selection based on supplier risk
It's amazing how supply chain risk papers appear in the unlikeliest of places, and today I discovere[...]
The Resilient Organization
What does it mean to be a resilient organization? That is the topic of  The Resilient Organization, [...]
Book Review: Virtual Teams
This is another post resulting from my literature review when researching background material for my[...]
Supply Chain and Transport Risk
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Saving Norway's crumbling infrastructure
NTP 2010-2019
Following up my post this morning called "D-Day for Norway's Transport Infrastructure", the numbers [...]
from HERE and THERE
Using social media in a crisis
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Sometimes the timing of Internet launches is just right. And for Scandinavian Airlines (SAS) the tim[...]
The BBC box
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