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Incapsula – Rest your worries

After more than 4 years with Incapsula I have no reason to question the security layer surrounding my website. This is how and why I’m using the Incapsula Pro plan on my WordPress website

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Website security as it should be

Incapsula, the leader in cloud-based website security, has just released a major upgrade, and it is now much easier to use, having richer reporting details and extremely fine-tunable security options, making it very easy to pinpoint and select which traffic to allow and which to reject.

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Incapsula versus CloudFlare

CloudFlare versus Incapsula: Website security reviewed. CloudFlare is for the masses. Incapsula is for business. I’m business, and I’m going for Incapsula. CloudFlare is for performance, Incapsula is for security. I’m more concerned with security, so I’m going for Incapsula.

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Catastrophic events in supply chains
After studying supply chain risk research for some time I have begun to realize that  much of the su[...]
3PL - a risk orchestrator?
Historically, third-party logistics providers, or 3PLs, provided traditional logistics services, suc[...]
Book Review - Fraud Risk
Last year I was approached by Gower Publishing and invited to review their Short Guides to Business [...]
The Definition of Agility
Although getting close to 20 years old now, The Agile Virtual Enterprise: Cases, Metrics, Tools, wri[...]
Supply chain disruption risk on the rise
Global supply chains are increasingly becoming more vulnerable to potential disruption to trade, say[...]
Global Risks 2008 - A prediction come true
In my post on Hyper-optimization and supply chain vulnerability: an invisible global risk? I highlig[...]
from HERE and THERE
Can we do without air traffic?
Travelers and businesses are waking up to a fourth day of no air traffic in Europe, and a fourth day[...]
Supply Chain Management - Emergency Management
Yes. No doubt about it. Reduction, Readiness, Response and Recovery are four key elements in the New[...]