Blog Archives

INSTR 2010 – Call for papers

The aim of INSTR is to bring together researchers and professionals interested in transportation network reliability, to discuss both recent research and future directions in this increasingly important field of research.

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International Transport Economics Conference 2009

The International Transport Economics Conference (ITrEC) 2009 will be held during June 15-16, 2009, at the University of Minnesota. If you haven’t already done so, make sure to bookmark this conference in your calendar.

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How to secure your supply chain - 1/7
This the first post in a series that reviews and translates into English some of the content in the [...]
How to Design Mitigation Capabilities
There hasn't been a literature review on this blog for a while, so it's time to pick up where I left[...]
Book Review: The Resilient Enterprise
To me, this book by Yossi Sheffi was an eye-opener, not so much for it's academic value, but for it'[...]
Book Review: Security Risk Management - Body of Knowledge
A Wiley book rarely lets you down, and this one doesn't either. With a refreshing Australian touch, [...]
London Olympics and Business Continuity
Are UK businesses, and in particular London businesses, unprepared for the London Olympics in 2012? [...]
Hiperos - the Integrated View of Supplier Risk
Supply chains have gone global. No longer are they a point-to-chain of goods flowing from a source t[...]
from HERE and THERE
BBC World Debate: Disasters - Prepare or React?
Should we actually bother to spend time and money on disaster mitigation, or should we rather focus [...]
Sparse transportation networks - a nightmare
E6 Steinkjer Løsberga
Now it has happened again. Hardly a week goes by in Norway without a major supply chain disruption. [...]