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JavalancheTM – analyzing hazards to roads

Traditionally, in studying the effect of hazards on roads, a hazard map is prepared based on the hazard in question, the contributing factors and then overlaid with a road map. If the road or a buffer around its vicinity intersects hazard areas, these areas constitute a potential threat. In the approach used in this procedure, imagine traveling along the road and looking to either side for hazards.

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Supply chain flexibility - a complete literature review?
Someone had to come up with this, it was just a matter of time, and it is no suprise that this artic[...]
Emergency Logistics
Can commercial logistics' ideas and solutions work in humanitarian supply chains? No. Why? Well, per[...]
Book Review: Strategies and Tactics in Supply Chain Event Management
Operations Management and Logistics have been around for a while, but Supply Chain Management is a r[...]
Book Review: Logistics and Supply Chain Management
This book by Martin Christopher, Logistics & Supply Chain Management, is one of the better if [...]
Creating the resilient supply chain
This blog is about supply chain risk, business continuity and transport vulnerability, and while I h[...]
Supply chain vulnerability: an invisible global risk?
Supply chain disruption - a global issue? All companies and governments dependent on external suppli[...]
from HERE and THERE
Using social media in a crisis
Scandinavian Airlines facebook
Sometimes the timing of Internet launches is just right. And for Scandinavian Airlines (SAS) the tim[...]
Sweet Seduction
Kinaxis Suitemates Episode 4
Time for my weekly reminder: "Suitemates", the big new marketing campaign by Kinaxis. Canada-based [...]