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Blog Review: Contemplating…Ken Simpson

Ken is a freelance management consultant living in Australia. He specializes in the field of Resilience/Continuity Management. His blog is a must read for the business continuity professional seeking a wider perspective.

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From the back room to the board room
Supply chain management used to be relegated to the logistics department of businesses and hardly th[...]
Risky ramblings
Why such a title for today's post? The abstract of the 2004 article Risky business: Expanding the di[...]
Book Review: Transportation Security
Instead of Transportation Systems Security, which I reviewed in an earlier post, I should have settl[...]
Supply Chain Logistics Risk in Germany
What are the most common supply chain and logistics risks that businesses and logistics providers ha[...]
Supply Chain and Transport Risk
In our interconnected world, safety, reliability and efficiency can only be secured through collabor[...]
Transport infrastructure resilience
Is it possible to devise a simple framework for assessing the resilience of the transport infrastruc[...]
from HERE and THERE
A crisis is NOT an opportunity
Time to debunk one of biggest and most persistent myths that has plagued crisis management for more [...]
Identification and simulation of risks in supply networks
The other day I got an email from Jan Bertrand, a Master student at the University of Technology Ham[...]