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Blog Review: Contemplating…Ken Simpson

Ken is a freelance management consultant living in Australia. He specializes in the field of Resilience/Continuity Management. His blog is a must read for the business continuity professional seeking a wider perspective.

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Risk and Uncertainty in Supply Chain Management
I've searched and scoured numerous academic journals in order to find literature I can use for this [...]
A supply chain is never stronger than the weakest link
Are you the weakest link in your own supply chain? That's the question asked in an article in the Ha[...]
Risk and vulnerability in maritime supply chains
This week's focus are risks in the maritime supply chain. Today's article reflects on security in ma[...]
Book Review: How Nature Works
How Nature works is a fascinating book. I first heard of the late Per Bak and his sandpile theories [...]
Vulnerable or valuable supply chain?
More than a year old now, but still holding not so few words of wisdom is the Pricewaterhouse Cooper[...]
A risky business? The top 10 challenges of offshoring
Organisations embarking on offshoring face multiple challenges; many of which can be extremely daunt[...]
from HERE and THERE
Sparse transportation networks and disruptions
The vulnerability of the transportation network as part of the supply chain is of particular interes[...]
7 out of 10 businesses without a continuity plan
An article today in the paper issue of Dagens Næringsliv, the Norwegian equivalent of the Financial [...]