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Humanitarian and military supply chains side-by side

Only by combining military and humanitarian supply chains, the strengths of both types of logistics can be exploited, and the extreme agility of rescue organizations can be matched with the extreme efficiency of the military.

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Managing Disruption Risks in the Supply Chain - the DRISC model
It is not often that I find a PhD dissertation that is excellently written and a joy to read, keepin[...]
Graph Theory to the rescue
Graph Theory. In Supply Chain Management? It's probably 10 years ago since last time I looked at Gra[...]
SC Design and Management
More than 500-page heavy and laden with real-life examples and thoroughly calculated details, Design[...]
ISCRiM 2010 Proceedings
Two weeks ago I attended the ISCRiM 2010 seminar at Loughborough University, a gathering of some of [...]
Supply chain vulnerability: an invisible global risk?
Supply chain disruption - a global issue? All companies and governments dependent on external suppli[...]
Infrastructure - essential for competitiveness?
Regular readers of this blog may have noticed my regular rants about the state of the Norwegian infr[...]
from HERE and THERE
Will your business byte the dust?
To backup or not to backup? Honestly, you shouldn't even be asking yourself this question. Can you a[...]
Identification and simulation of risks in supply networks
The other day I got an email from Jan Bertrand, a Master student at the University of Technology Ham[...]