Blog Archives

Issues in visualization of risk and vulnerability

Visualization technology has emerged as a form of exploratory cartography, which can help explain, analyze and communicate risk.

Posted in THIS and THAT
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The flexibility of the logistics provider
Supply chain flexibility is a decisive factor in avoiding supply chain disruptions. One major contri[...]
How to secure your supply chain - 4/7
My previous post was part three of a series based on the Swedish business continuity handbook titled[...]
Understanding risks in Virtual Enterprise Networks
Today's unstable and highly competitive business environment has created a shift in how enterprises [...]
Risk and resilience in maritime logistics
This week's focus are risks in the maritime supply chain and today's paper sets out a framework for [...]
Supply Chain Security
Today's supply chains circle the globe and form the backbone of world trade and a are major factor i[...]
Vulnerable or valuable supply chain?
More than a year old now, but still holding not so few words of wisdom is the Pricewaterhouse Cooper[...]
from HERE and THERE
Retail Operations in China
In a previous post on the Retail SCM Summit 2011 I mentioned that China as a rising economic powerho[...]
Finding academic articles without academic journals
As a researcher within supply chain risk, I try to read as many academic journals as possible, and I[...]