Blog Archives

Shortest Path Computation: A Comparative Analysis

Current research work into establishing a performance efficiency hierarchy between Java, C++ and ArcView is described and experimentation is performed in order to statistically compare shortest path query execution time, response time and implementation issues.

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MFworks Tutorial

This tutorial, developed in 2002, is a showcase on network analysis in MFworks, with step by step instructions and a summary of the theory behind it.

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How to make a straight line square

Traditionally, network analysis, path finding and route planning have been the domain of graph theory and vector GIS, which is where most algorithms find their application. Contrary to such common wisdom, the research of this thesis for the Msc in GIS explores the topic of network analysis in raster GIS, using MFworks as example software.

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Fastest path problems in dynamic transportation networks

This research essay and literature review investigates some of the gateways to path finding in static and dynamic networks that are listed in present research literature. A selected set of different approaches are highlighted and set in a broader context, illustrating the various aspects of path finding in static and dynamic networks.

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Network analysis – raster versus vector – A comparison

The key to producing successful network models is in understanding the relationship between the characteristics of physical network systems and the representation of those characteristics by the elements of the network model.

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The flexibility of the logistics provider
Supply chain flexibility is a decisive factor in avoiding supply chain disruptions. One major contri[...]
Committed Americans and Trusting Germans
Obviously, selecting the right third-party logistics provider (3PL) for your supply chain is an impo[...]
Book Review: Virtual Teams
This is another post resulting from my literature review when researching background material for my[...]
Understanding risks in Virtual Enterprise Networks
Today's unstable and highly competitive business environment has created a shift in how enterprises [...]
A risky business? The top 10 challenges of offshoring
Organisations embarking on offshoring face multiple challenges; many of which can be extremely daunt[...]
The supply chain of the future
Many global supply chains are not equipped to cope with the world we are entering. Most were enginee[...]
from HERE and THERE
Remote Logistics
Yesterday I was talking about emergency logistics, today it is remote logistics. The other day I ca[...]
The ISCRiM Newsletter 1/2010
If you are a researcher, a student, a professor and if you have an academic interest in Supply Chain[...]