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Save costs and the environment

Hitting two birds with one stone? Can you shrink manufacturing costs while at the same time operate in an environmentally friendly manner? Veolia Environment thinks it’s possible and presents their ideas in a WTG webinar.

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Call for Papers: Global Supply Chain Risk
Supply chain risk seems to be a topic making the rounds in the academic journals these days, and tod[...]
Risk versus vulnerability
What is risk, and what is vulnerability? While connected, they are not the same, and perhaps, often [...]
Book Review: Procurement Risk
"Do yo like living dangerously? Then you should read this book. It exposes you to over seventy types[...]
Book Review: Enterprise SCM
Have you ever played SimCity? I never liked Transport Tycoon that much, but I used to play SimCity a[...]
Global Risk Reports
While waiting for the World Economic Forum Global Risk Report for 2009, the continuation of the Glob[...]
How New Zealand develops resilient organisations
Is New Zealand better prepared for a disaster than other countries? As our infrastructure and organi[...]
from HERE and THERE
Time is precious
Swiss Railway Watch
Time.  A highly valued asset in much of supply chain management and logistics operations. Time matte[...]
Supply chains compete, not companies
"Supply chains compete, not companies" is the motto on Martin Christopher's web site, www.martin-chr[...]