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Save costs and the environment

Hitting two birds with one stone? Can you shrink manufacturing costs while at the same time operate in an environmentally friendly manner? Veolia Environment thinks it’s possible and presents their ideas in a WTG webinar.

Posted in THIS and THAT
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The causes of logistics uncertainty
Logistics uncertainty - a new research strand in supply chain risk research? So it would seem, as th[...]
How to secure your supply chain - 3/7
Today's post is part three of my continuing journey through the Swedish handbook titled "Säkra föret[...]
Book Review: Transportation Security
Instead of Transportation Systems Security, which I reviewed in an earlier post, I should have settl[...]
SC Design and Management
More than 500-page heavy and laden with real-life examples and thoroughly calculated details, Design[...]
Supply chain vulnerability: an invisible global risk?
Supply chain disruption - a global issue? All companies and governments dependent on external suppli[...]
Supply chain disruption risk on the rise
Global supply chains are increasingly becoming more vulnerable to potential disruption to trade, say[...]
from HERE and THERE
Operational Excellence - or not
Operational Excellence or OpEx for short, what does that imply and why should you care about it? Wel[...]
Lean logistics = risky logistics?
A posting on Evolving Excellence called Long is not Lean caught my attention the other day. The auth[...]