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Humanitarian and military supply chains side-by side

Only by combining military and humanitarian supply chains, the strengths of both types of logistics can be exploited, and the extreme agility of rescue organizations can be matched with the extreme efficiency of the military.

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A Future Research Agenda for Supply Chain Risk
When Manuj and Mentzer (2008) wrote their article titled Global Supply Chain Risk Management, they [...]
Are supply and demand elasticity a risk?
Why haven't I seen this paper before? And why is it not cited more often? It should. It is called Th[...]
Book Review: Political Risk
Egypt is in crisis. After Tunisia, now Egypt is rocked by a popular uprising, and the outcome of the[...]
Supply Chain Risk - the forgotten discipline
No, it's not that supply chain risk is a forgotten discipline, it' is well and alive an kicking, it'[...]
Supply Chain and Transport Risk
We are living in a new world of risk that is making this world unprecedentedly complex and challengi[...]
The supply chain of the future
Many global supply chains are not equipped to cope with the world we are entering. Most were enginee[...]
from HERE and THERE
Another volcanic ash cloud crisis?
Rewind your thoughts one year: Iceland. Volcano eruption. Air travel. Then look at today's news. Are[...]
Global Risk and Compliance - Are you protected?
Trade Compliance and Export Control are not just buzzwords in global supply chain. They represent si[...]