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MITIP 2010 – Call for Papers

The MITIP conferences have proven to be an important forum for researchers from academia and industry to present the results of their work, and to inspire a creative dialogue between the industry and the academic world.

Posted in THIS and THAT
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A Future Research Agenda for Supply Chain Risk
When Manuj and Mentzer (2008) wrote their article titled Global Supply Chain Risk Management, they [...]
Broader research = better research?
I have always seen myself as a cross-disciplinary thinker, and I guess that is why I am so often sid[...]
Security and continuity of supply
Aah...the intricacies of the English language. Not supply (chain) security, but the security of supp[...]
Book Review: Transportation GIS
This book showcases many examples of how GIS can be applied in the field of transportation using Arc[...]
Risk management - Vocabulary
What is risk management in supply chains? The more I study supply chain risk management, the more co[...]
Managing supply chain risk
In September and October 2009 the Economist Intelligence Unit surveyed 500 company executives with r[...]
from HERE and THERE
Research Blogging - for the investigative mind?
If you're a regular reader of this blog, you will notice that many posts reviewing  the literature n[...]
Cutting back on road spending may not be wise
In an article today, the Norwegian newspaper Dagbladet revealed that Statens Vegvesen (or the Norweg[...]