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Issues in visualization of risk and vulnerability

Visualization technology has emerged as a form of exploratory cartography, which can help explain, analyze and communicate risk.

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Pyramidal thoughts
A promising title with promising content? Perhaps. If you are a supply chain or logistics profession[...]
Call for papers: S-D Logic and Supply Chain Risk
Is supply chain risk is now beginning to enter more and more areas of  supply chain thinking? It wou[...]
Book Review: Enterprise SCM
Have you ever played SimCity? I never liked Transport Tycoon that much, but I used to play SimCity a[...]
Organizing Resilience
Resilience. A word that his been in the media perhaps more than ever before these days. I am of cour[...]
Risky cities - want to work there?
If you are doing global business, do you know where you are at risk and what risk that is most perti[...]
Global Risks 2009 - Countries at risk?
How will the current financial downturn affect supply chains? That's what we all wonder about, isn't[...]
from HERE and THERE
Why we need to think the unthinkable
Immediately after September 11, 2001, "critical infrastructure" and "vulnerability" seemed to be the[...]
JavalancheTM – analyzing hazards to roads
Traditionally, in studying the effect of hazards on roads, a hazard map is prepared based on the haz[...]