Tag Archives: ntp 2010-2019

NTP 2010-2019

Saving Norway’s crumbling infrastructure

Following up my post this morning called “D-Day for Norway’s Transport Infrastructure“, the numbers are out now: The government intends to spend some 320,000,000 NOK ($45,000,000,000) on transport infrastructure over the next 10 years. Will it be enough? This reminds me of a post I had earlier, called “America’s crumbling infrastructure“, where the Minneapolis bridge collapse was a timely wake-up call for America to invest in its infrastructure. Will Norway be able to save its crumbling infrastructure without such a disaster?

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D-Day for Norway’s Transport Infrastructure

Today, on this ominous date, Friday the 13th, Norway’s government is presenting it’s development plans for the Norwegian transport infrastructure for 2010 to 2019 (Nasjonal Transportplan 2010-2019). Not that it will make much difference, because the way we do things here, instead of the national or regional government deciding where and what to build or not to build, Norway’s planning and decision process involves even the local governments, who essentially can veto (or at best significantly alter) any plans made the government or other higher authorities. Some call it madness , and I am inclined to agree.

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