Blog Archives

A Christmas To Remember

This has truly been a year of continuous supply chain disruptions, and many businesses have felt the effects of the pandemic. I realize now that I should have seized the opportunity long ago to reinstate this blog in the early months of 2020, not now, when it it is nearly over.

Posted in THIS and THAT
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Structural embeddedness and the extended supply chain
The other day, while reviewing a chapter for inclusion (or not) in the upcoming book Managing Risk i[...]
What kind of Supplychainist are you?
With an ever-increasing number of companies outsourcing all non-core activities and  manufacturing t[...]
SME Risk Management
Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) make up the majority of enterprises in most countries, and[...]
Book Review: The Resilient Enterprise
To me, this book by Yossi Sheffi was an eye-opener, not so much for it's academic value, but for it'[...]
Global Risks 2009 - Countries at risk?
How will the current financial downturn affect supply chains? That's what we all wonder about, isn't[...]
Are roads more important than computers?
Critical Infrastructure. Which is more important - or 'critical' - road networks or computers? What [...]
from HERE and THERE
BBC World Debate: Disasters - Prepare or React?
Should we actually bother to spend time and money on disaster mitigation, or should we rather focus [...]
INSTR 2010 - Call for papers
I can't believe I haven't mentioned this conference on my blog before., because the call has been ou[...]