Tag Archives: principal-agent

Supply Chain Risk Management – A relationship approach

I could have just re-used the title on my post on risks in supply networks from a couple days ago and called this post “Another tale of principals and agents”, but it’s not that simple. In Risk assessment and relationship management: practical approach to supply chain risk management, Ritchie, Claire & Armstrong (2008) do use the principal-agent theory, but their main issue is the introduction of a new term: risk portfolio management.

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Risk in supply networks – a tale of principals and agents

Sometimes the most interesting articles are found outside the mainstream journals of ones field, and so it is with  Seu Keow Cheng and Bon Hooi Kam (2008) A conceptual framework for analyzing risk in supply networks, found in the Journal of Enterprise Information Management, a very unlikely journal for finding a paper on supply chain risk. It is not often that I see a paper focusing on the network relationships risks rather than the network risks, let alone applying the principal-agent theory so elegantly.

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