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Retail Operations in China

With a large population of fashion and brand conscious consumers increasing their spending as their incomes rise, the consumer retail market in China is expected to continue to grow, opening up huge expansion opportunities for European and US retail stores.

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Cross-border supply chains
What are the main change and trend drivers for international supply chains? How will future cross-bo[...]
Information Risk Management
Openness, partnering, trust and particularly sharing of information has often been cited as one way [...]
Risk and resilience in maritime logistics
This week's focus are risks in the maritime supply chain and today's paper sets out a framework for [...]
Understanding risks in Virtual Enterprise Networks
Today's unstable and highly competitive business environment has created a shift in how enterprises [...]
Assess the vulnerability of your production system
So far I have reviewed "international" literature and web sites, and it is only fitting that now it [...]
The supply chain of the future
Many global supply chains are not equipped to cope with the world we are entering. Most were enginee[...]
from HERE and THERE
SAAB no more...
What do you when your major customer goes bust? How do you cope with finding a new business partner?[...]
The ISCRiM Newsletter 1/2009
As a researcher within supply chain risk, I find the ISCRiM Newsletters a valuable source of informa[...]