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Sparse transportation networks and disruptions

The vulnerability of the transportation network as part of the supply chain is of particular interest in countries or regions with sparsely populated areas, and hence, a sparse transportation network, because sparse transportation networks, and thus sparse supply chains, are vulnerable to many different kinds of internal and external risks.

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MBA - Major Bad Ass?
Are business schools bad for business? I recently came across a very interesting article by the late[...]
Corporate vulnerability
Göran Svensson is one of the leading key figures in supply chain vulnerability research and his conc[...]
Book Review: Virtual Teams
This is another post resulting from my literature review when researching background material for my[...]
Book Review: Logistics and Supply Chain Management
This book by Martin Christopher, Logistics & Supply Chain Management, is one of the better if [...]
Supply Chain Security
Today's supply chains circle the globe and form the backbone of world trade and a are major factor i[...]
Stemming the rising tide
Are you are taking radically different actions than your peers when it comes to supply chain risk ma[...]
from HERE and THERE
Piracy at sea - is your supply chain at risk?
You may not consider it the foremost supply chain risk, but piracy can endanger civilians, can disru[...]
BBC World Debate: Disasters - Prepare or React?
Should we actually bother to spend time and money on disaster mitigation, or should we rather focus [...]