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Book Review: Transportation Systems Security

This book, Transportation Systems Security by by Allan McDougall and Robert Radvanovsky is not what I thought it would be, but it’s not the books fault, I have to admit that much. It’s the classic misunderstanding of the difference of the terms “safety” and “security”.

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Maritime Vulnerability
Maritime transport is a vital backbone of today's global and complex supply chains. Unfortunately, t[...]
Risk in supply networks - a tale of principals and agents
Sometimes the most interesting articles are found outside the mainstream journals of ones field, and[...]
Book Review: Risk Modeling, Assessment, and Management
First published in 1998 and now already in its 3rd edition in 2009, but still unknown to me, althoug[...]
What are Logistics Clusters?
This is a guest post by Professor Yossi Sheffi, Director, MIT Center for Transportation & Logist[...]
Infrastructure - essential for competitiveness?
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Supply Chain and Transport Risk
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from HERE and THERE
ERP consultants: A nightmare
Kinaxis Suitemates
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If the UK goes cold, blame me
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