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Call for papers – MITIP 2009

The factory of the future is calling for a shift in strategic vision. Where do we go from here and what does the future hold?

Posted in THIS and THAT
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Risk Central

Risk Central is a private and personal initiative and web portal started by Roberto Pinto, assistant professor and Ph.D student at the University of Bergamo, covering topics like Risk Management, Business Continuity Management, Vulnerability Management, Resilient Enterprise.

Posted in BLOGS and WEBSITES
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What kind of Supplychainist are you?
With an ever-increasing number of companies outsourcing all non-core activities and  manufacturing t[...]
Corridor Analysis - A timeline of evolutionary development
Locating a right-of-way for a linear facility such as a pipeline, a transmission line, a railway or [...]
One bad apple...
...spoils the barrel? Yesterday I sat down to prepare a review of this book, Managing Risks in Suppl[...]
Appetite versus Attitude
Finally, and long overdue, another review in the Gower Short Guide to Business Risk book series. Thi[...]
Are roads more important than computers?
Critical Infrastructure. Which is more important - or 'critical' - road networks or computers? What [...]
Future Value Chain Trends 2020
The twelve future trends that will shape value chains and supply chain management during this decade[...]
from HERE and THERE
Secure Supply Chain Collaboration
Slightly outside the scope of this blog, which deals more with the management side of supply chain r[...]
How to disrupt a supply chain
This is a brief description of a model I developed for supply chain risk and vulnerability, with ris[...]