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Road Transportation Management using GIS – vehicle routing and tracking

Roads are main arteries of modern society’s infrastructure, contributing heavily to the distribution of goods and persons. GIS provides many helpful applications for ensuring a smooth flow, by aiding design, routing, traffic control and real-time navigation.

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Diamonds are forever - suppliers not
Today I am taking a closer look at how buyer-supplier relationships evolve over time. This is the bu[...]
Robust, Resilient and Secure
Antagonistic threats against supply chains are a special and limited array of risks and uncertaintie[...]
Book Review: Transportation Security
Instead of Transportation Systems Security, which I reviewed in an earlier post, I should have settl[...]
Book Review: Transportation Network Analysis
Transportation Network Analysis by M. G. H. Bell and Yasunori Iida is a book for the expert rather t[...]
Hiperos - the Integrated View of Supplier Risk
Supply chains have gone global. No longer are they a point-to-chain of goods flowing from a source t[...]
Saving Norway's crumbling infrastructure
NTP 2010-2019
Following up my post this morning called "D-Day for Norway's Transport Infrastructure", the numbers [...]
from HERE and THERE
Supply Chain Risk Management 2008
Supply Chain Risk Management 2008, 3rd & 4th November 2008, World Trade Centre, the Netherlands[...]
Humanitarian and military supply chains side-by side
The recent earthquakes in Samoa in the Pacific and in Padang in Indonesia are a poignant reminder fo[...]