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Networks and other resources for Supply Chain Professionals

Disruptions in supply networks

Supply chain disturbances and supply chain disruptions. Not the same and very different from each other. The former can be managed and solved within an established supply chain, the latter often requires establishing a new supply network. Understanding this difference is crucially important.

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The Supply Chain Network Project

Do you want to keep in touch with all aspects of the global supply chain network? SCN is a network of people, a network of ideas and information, a means for designing, building, improving and managing your physical network and a source for services to facilitate your network.

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NOFOMA – The Nordic Logistics Research Network

The Nordic Logistics Research Network (NOFOMA) is a network of Nordic researchers within the field of Logistics and Supply Chain Management. Why haven’t I heard about this before…stupid me! It’s amazing how one can be a researcher in a certain field without being aware of the most obvious network one should join.

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Should you join the Supply Chain Network SCN?

From a quick browse before making this post I realized there are quite a number of highly qualified and merited members, which most certainly will help me keep up to date the latest in Supply Chain Management.

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International Supply Chain Risk Management

The International Supply Chain Risk Management Network (ISCRIM) is a network of academics interested in how to handle different types of risks in the supply chain. The main purpose of the ISCRIM-network is to speed up, and improve, the research within “Supply Chain Risk Management”.

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Accessibility Index - Transport Network Vulnerability
Taylor, M., Sekhar, S., & D'Este, G. (2006). Application of Accessibility Based Methods for Vulnerability Analysis of Strategic Road Networks Networks and Spatial Economics, 6 (3-4), 267-291
I had the pleasure of meeting M.A.P. Taylor at the 3rd International Symposium on Transport Network [...]
How to secure your supply chain - 6/7
Although going on 10 years hold, much of this handbook still holds true. I found it by accident when[...]
Risk Management Simplified
Risk management. Why make it difficult when you can make it easy? That is perhaps what Andy Osborne [...]
The Nordic approach to Logistics and Supply Chain Management?
Is there such a thing as a typically Nordic way of thinking within the field of Supply Chain Managem[...]
Stemming the rising tide
Are you are taking radically different actions than your peers when it comes to supply chain risk ma[...]
When disaster strikes... does the transportation network recover? And why are transportation networks so essential to [...]
from HERE and THERE
Food commodity supply chains at risk?
Have the prices gone up at your local supermarket recently? Maybe your favorite chocolate is suddenl[...]
Christchurch earthquake and transportation
Christchurch, New Zealand, has been hit by an earthquake. Having spent some time living there myself[...]