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Migrants and European supply chains

Truckers caught up in Europe’s migrant crisis say business is increasingly disrupted by queues and stowaways, but they are far more worried governments will step up border controls

Posted in THIS and THAT
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Rigorous Risk Management
As a global management consulting firm, A.T. Kearney is focusing on strategic and operational CEO-ag[...]
Supply chain vulnerability and resilience
Today's post is a review of a conference paper written by Francesco Longo and Tuncer Ören in 2008 an[...]
ISCRiM 2010 Proceedings
Two weeks ago I attended the ISCRiM 2010 seminar at Loughborough University, a gathering of some of [...]
Appetite versus Attitude
Finally, and long overdue, another review in the Gower Short Guide to Business Risk book series. Thi[...]
How New Zealand develops resilient organisations
Is New Zealand better prepared for a disaster than other countries? As our infrastructure and organi[...]
Analysing road vulnerability in Norway
How does the Norwegian Public Roads Administration NRPA assess the vulnerability of the Norwegian ro[...]
from HERE and THERE
Supply Chain Visibility through Web Conferencing
It's weekend and time for some reflections. Maybe slightly off-topic for this blog, but the other da[...]
BBC World Debate: Disasters - Prepare or React?
Should we actually bother to spend time and money on disaster mitigation, or should we rather focus [...]