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The European Supply Chain & Logistics Summit

In the current financial downturn what should be – or what will be – on the mind of supply chain and logistics executives in the months and years ahead? The SCLEurope 2009 is a great place to find out about just that.

Posted in THIS and THAT
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Avoid Supply Chain Breakdown - Tailored Risk Management
In my previous post on Ericsson versus Nokia - the now classic case of supply chain disruption I men[...]
SCM: Past, Present and Future
What has been achieved, or rather: written, during a decade of academic research in the Supply Chain[...]
ISCRiM 2010 Proceedings
Two weeks ago I attended the ISCRiM 2010 seminar at Loughborough University, a gathering of some of [...]
Can your business take a blow?
Are you prepared for whatever mishaps your business throws at you? If you're not, you better start l[...]
Supply chain vulnerability: an invisible global risk?
Supply chain disruption - a global issue? All companies and governments dependent on external suppli[...]
America’s Crumbling Infrastructure
My daily morning routine includes a cup of coffee while watching the World Business Report on BBC Wo[...]
from HERE and THERE
Risk Avoidance - is that all there is?
Business Week ran an article recently, stating that risk avoidance needs to be injected into employe[...]
eSourcingWiki - can it be trusted?
The other day I came across eSourcingWiki, "a global collaborative effort for supply management best[...]