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The European Supply Chain & Logistics Summit

In the current financial downturn what should be – or what will be – on the mind of supply chain and logistics executives in the months and years ahead? The SCLEurope 2009 is a great place to find out about just that.

Posted in THIS and THAT
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Supply Chain Risk Management Research
What are the current gaps that waiting to be closed in supply chain risk management research? Here i[...]
Are supply and demand elasticity a risk?
Why haven't I seen this paper before? And why is it not cited more often? It should. It is called Th[...]
Organizing Resilience
Resilience. A word that his been in the media perhaps more than ever before these days. I am of cour[...]
Supply Chain Risk - the forgotten discipline
No, it's not that supply chain risk is a forgotten discipline, it' is well and alive an kicking, it'[...]
ISO 28002 – Supply Chain Resilience
Have you heard of ISO 28002?  No? You should take note of this standard, because the ISO 28000 serie[...]
Transport infrastructure resilience
Is it possible to devise a simple framework for assessing the resilience of the transport infrastruc[...]
from HERE and THERE
How the wrong people can ruin a supply chain
People are what makes organizations work, or in some cases, not work. Just as the "ordinary" supply [...]
Call for papers – MITIP 2009
The factory of the future is calling for a shift in strategic vision.  Already, many operations are [...]