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Secure Supply Chain Collaboration

SecureSCM is an EU-funded research project aimed at finding secure computation protocols for collaborative Supply Chain Management. The project brings together researchers from mathematics, computer science, information systems and management to work together to solve this common problem.

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SCRIM is the new SCRM
Does supply chain risk management SCRM need another model? Perhaps. That's what a group of academics[...]
The world we live in: Risk Society
We live in a world that is full of risk, risks that we to a large degree have created ourselves, and[...]
Published. Not perished.
Publish or perish? Publish. It has taken its time, but finally it is there, the book that has my cha[...]
Risk and vulnerability in maritime supply chains
This week's focus are risks in the maritime supply chain. Today's article reflects on security in ma[...]
Global Risk Reports
While waiting for the World Economic Forum Global Risk Report for 2009, the continuation of the Glob[...]
Global Risks 2012
Are economic imbalances and social inequality risk reversing the gains of globalization? Should we s[...]
from HERE and THERE
2010 - the year of catastrophe
It's Sunday and time for some weekend reflections, aka browsing the Internet for blogs and websites [...]
Managing Supply Chain Risk
Did you know that the Supply Chain Council (SCS) has extended their renown SCOR-modelĀ  to Supply Cha[...]