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Corridor Analysis – A timeline of evolutionary development

corridor-modellingLocating a right-of-way for a linear facility such as a pipeline, a transmission line, a railway or a roadway can be a complex problem. Locating a corridor connecting an origin and a destination on a landscape is analogous to identifying a route that traverses a continuous landscape. Thus, corridor analysis is closely linked to shortest-path finding and network analysis in raster GIS, and has evolved along with it. Corridor analysis is essentially a variant of surface analysis, but can also be viewed as a site selection problem where an optimal contiguous and elongated site is sought.

My PhD?

On a sidenote, I should mention that since this post was first published,

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Fastest path problems in dynamic transportation networks

This research essay and literature review investigates some of the gateways to path finding in static and dynamic networks that are listed in present research literature. A selected set of different approaches are highlighted and set in a broader context, illustrating the various aspects of path finding in static and dynamic networks.

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Network analysis – raster versus vector – A comparison

The key to producing successful network models is in understanding the relationship between the characteristics of physical network systems and the representation of those characteristics by the elements of the network model.

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How to secure your supply chain - 2/7
Continuing my previous post, which talked about raising the awareness towards disruption risks in ge[...]
Logistics risks - the new science?
Can logistics become an academic discipline? And can logistics risk be my new academic discipline? A[...]
Book Review: Managing Risk and Resilience in the Supply Chain
This book is a gem. To me. Where Helen Peck in her article Reconciling supply chain vulnerability, r[...]
Supply Chain Risk - Jetzt auch auf Deutsch
Unbeknown to me - or perhaps I really should have known better - there appears to be a large body of[...]
Engineering transportation lifelines
New Zealand is probably not the fist country that comes to mind when thinking of state-of-the-art tr[...]
28 Global Risks in 2015
The  World Economic Forum Global Risks Reports. I first came across them in 2008, when the hyperopti[...]
from HERE and THERE
Practical Supply Chain Risk Management
Every once in while I come across articles written by leaders in the industry. that catch my attenti[...]
ETC 2012 - Call for papers
Celebrating its 40th anniversary in 2012, the European Transport Conference or ETC is unique in Euro[...]