Blog Archives

A Christmas To Remember

This has truly been a year of continuous supply chain disruptions, and many businesses have felt the effects of the pandemic. I realize now that I should have seized the opportunity long ago to reinstate this blog in the early months of 2020, not now, when it it is nearly over.

Posted in THIS and THAT
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The latest trends in logistics and SCM research
What is at the forefront of current research in supply chain management and logistics right now? I k[...]
Drivers of supply chain vulnerability
In 2005, the topic of supply chain vulnerability was still a relatively unexplored territory, though[...]
Transportation Hazards
This is an updated and extended review of  the Handbook of Transportation Engineering by Myer Kutz ([...]
Book Review: Managing Risk and Security
One of my readers suggested this book to me via  a comment on my supply chain literature list pages[...]
Global Risk Reports
While waiting for the World Economic Forum Global Risk Report for 2009, the continuation of the Glob[...]
Infrastructure - essential for competitiveness?
Regular readers of this blog may have noticed my regular rants about the state of the Norwegian infr[...]
from HERE and THERE
1st Supply Chain Risk Management Seminar
A colleague from the SCNI network sent me a note about this seminar that I was unaware of. The Suppl[...]
CSCMP Europe 2009 Conference
The phrase "Supply chains compete, not companies" was coined by Martin Christopher, and it is a fitt[...]