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Transportation reliability and vulnerability

This is a philosophical essay on transportation vulnerability, where three fields or subjects are brought together : engineering (reliability and vulnerability), economics (cost and benefits) and politics (decision making).The research essay aims at taking reliability and vulnerability into the realm of cost-benefit analysis to serve as decision support.

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Structural embeddedness and the extended supply chain
The other day, while reviewing a chapter for inclusion (or not) in the upcoming book Managing Risk i[...]
Managing risk together
Purchasing theory... I have to admit it's not one of my particular strongholds, but several of my re[...]
One bad apple...
...spoils the barrel? Yesterday I sat down to prepare a review of this book, Managing Risks in Suppl[...]
Risk in Virtual Enterprise Networks
Done...I finally made it! Today I submitted my full chapter for the book on Managing Risk in Virtual[...]
Engineering transportation lifelines
New Zealand is probably not the fist country that comes to mind when thinking of state-of-the-art tr[...]
Are roads more important than computers?
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from HERE and THERE
How to disrupt a supply chain
This is a brief description of a model I developed for supply chain risk and vulnerability, with ris[...]
Save costs and the environment
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