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Humanitarian and military supply chains side-by side

Only by combining military and humanitarian supply chains, the strengths of both types of logistics can be exploited, and the extreme agility of rescue organizations can be matched with the extreme efficiency of the military.

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Risk versus vulnerability
What is risk, and what is vulnerability? While connected, they are not the same, and perhaps, often [...]
SCRM Research Gaps
Supply Chain Risk Management is a area that has seen a significant growth in recent years. However, [...]
SC Design and Management
More than 500-page heavy and laden with real-life examples and thoroughly calculated details, Design[...]
Book Review: Enterprise SCM
Have you ever played SimCity? I never liked Transport Tycoon that much, but I used to play SimCity a[...]
Vulnerable or valuable supply chain?
More than a year old now, but still holding not so few words of wisdom is the Pricewaterhouse Cooper[...]
Supply chain disruption risk on the rise
Global supply chains are increasingly becoming more vulnerable to potential disruption to trade, say[...]
from HERE and THERE
CSCMP Europe 2009 Conference
The phrase "Supply chains compete, not companies" was coined by Martin Christopher, and it is a fitt[...]
Retail Operations in China
In a previous post on the Retail SCM Summit 2011 I mentioned that China as a rising economic powerho[...]