Tag Archives: Pitera Kelly

Shippers, carriers and disruptions

Both shippers and motor carriers are impacted by travel time variability, but they react differently to it. While carriers focus on the immediate and short-term impact and how to solve the situation, .i.e how to deliver on time if still possible, shippers focus more on the strategic and long-term impact and on how to avoid the situation, i.e. how to prevent this from happening again. This is what Kelly Pitera, Anne Goodchild and Edward McCormack looked at in their recent paper titled Examining the Differential Responses of Shippers and Motor Carriers to Travel Time Variability. Here they describe the disparity in concerns and the strategies shippers and motor carriers are likely to engage in to address time travel variability.

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Interpreting Resiliency

In yesterday’s post on Freight Transportations Systems Resilience I mentioned Kelly Pitera and her Master’s thesis, Interpreting Resiliency: An Examination of the Use of Resiliency Strategies within the Supply Chain and Consequences for the Freight Transportation System, where she explored and evaluated resiliency efforts currently being used by importing enterprises, focusing on goods movement within the supply chain. Today I will take a closer look at his thesis since it comes up with a novel and conceptually intriguing perspective on strategies for supply chain resilience.

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What is Freight Transportation System Resilience?

Resilience is the new buzzword in Supply Chain Management, and has slowly trickled into transportation research as well. When attending the TRB Annual Meeting in January this year, to present my paper on Supply Chain Disruptions in Sparse Transportation Networks, I came across a couple of interesting papers which I will review in my upcoming posts. First up is Structuring a definition of Resilience in the Freight Transportation System by Chilan Ta, Kelly Pitera and Anne Goodchild from the University of Washington, Seattle, WA. What I enjoyed with this paper was their holistic approach towards resilience, including all major stakeholders.

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