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Economists versus Technocrats – who wins?

In the current financial downturn, much pressure has been on the government (here in Norway, and I bet elsewhere too) to initiate public works projects or other public investment projects in order to create or save jobs.

Posted in THIS and THAT
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Ericsson versus Nokia - the now classic case of supply chain disruption
When faced with a supply chain disruption, proactive and reactive supply chain risk management can i[...]
Risk and Uncertainty in Supply Chain Management
I've searched and scoured numerous academic journals in order to find literature I can use for this [...]
What are Logistics Clusters?
This is a guest post by Professor Yossi Sheffi, Director, MIT Center for Transportation & Logist[...]
Book Review: Transportation Network Analysis
Transportation Network Analysis by M. G. H. Bell and Yasunori Iida is a book for the expert rather t[...]
Supply chain vulnerability: an invisible global risk?
Supply chain disruption - a global issue? All companies and governments dependent on external suppli[...]
London Olympics and Business Continuity
Are UK businesses, and in particular London businesses, unprepared for the London Olympics in 2012? [...]
from HERE and THERE
Fastest path problems in dynamic transportation networks
This research essay and literature review investigates some of the gateways to path finding in stati[...]
A lesson in supply chain disruption: German railways during WWII
Now this may seem totally off topic, but I have become so engrossed with modern-day supply chains th[...]