Blog Archives

Blog Review: Commitment Matters

Business relationships can make or break a company and Commitment Matters is a blog that will be of greatest interest to those who select, negotiate or manage relationships with trading partners – customers, suppliers, strategic alliances, teaming agreements or channels.

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Blog Review: The SCRMBlog

My featured blog this month is the SCRMBlog by Daniel Stengel, as it happens perhaps my fiercest competitor in the supply chain risk blogging scene, if there indeed is such a scene. Daniel’s blog has existed for not more than a little over a year, but he has already made considerable impact.

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Cutting costs or cutting risks?

Obviously, cutting risks and cutting costs are two strategies that are often detrimental to each other, and after cutting costs simply for the sake of reducing operational costs, you may have to cut corners in order to cut risks.

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Supply Chain Risk Insights

Set up by Zurich Insurance, the website is aimed at helping senior managers and directors in finance, supply chain, operations and risk develop a deeper understanding of the tactical considerations and strategic approaches to minimize impacts of disruptions to the supply chain.

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The @risk Blog

It is always nice to find blogs on supply chain risk written by a professional with extensive knowledge of the field he is covering. Kevin Cornish’s @risk blog is such a blog. Judging by the list of tags in his sidebar there is very little that escapes his watchful eye, with topics touching upon anything ranging from employee absentism, food safety, to the more obvious: risk mitigation and supplier risk.

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Blog Review: The Kinaxis Blog

Here is a high-quality blog for you, the Kinaxis Blog, or as they put it themselves: The 21st Century Supply Chain. And is it a correct tagline? Yes, I think so. The blog features Kinaxis executives and the occasional guest and provides insights on today’s supply chain trends and issues.

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Blog Review: Supply Chain Matters

On the Supply Chain Matters blog Bob provides his unbiased views, insights, and reader education into today’s burning topics surrounding the managing and deployment of global supply chains.

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Risk Central

Risk Central is a private and personal initiative and web portal started by Roberto Pinto, assistant professor and Ph.D student at the University of Bergamo, covering topics like Risk Management, Business Continuity Management, Vulnerability Management, Resilient Enterprise.

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Call for papers: Global Supply Chain Risk Management
Are you currently planning to write or actually writing a paper on supply chain risk and wondering w[...]
When your supplier goes bust...
...what do you do? Is so-called supplier default something you have even thought about? And what if [...]
Book Review: Risk Modeling, Assessment, and Management
First published in 1998 and now already in its 3rd edition in 2009, but still unknown to me, althoug[...]
Supply Chain Logistics Risk in Germany
What are the most common supply chain and logistics risks that businesses and logistics providers ha[...]
How New Zealand develops resilient organisations
Is New Zealand better prepared for a disaster than other countries? As our infrastructure and organi[...]
Global Risk Reports
While waiting for the World Economic Forum Global Risk Report for 2009, the continuation of the Glob[...]
from HERE and THERE
Downgrades are upgrades
Time for episode three of "Suitemates", the big new marketing campaign by Kinaxis, a Canada-based su[...]
A lesson in supply chain disruption: German railways during WWII
Now this may seem totally off topic, but I have become so engrossed with modern-day supply chains th[...]