Blog Archives

Airports – vital to supply chains?

Is the temporary shut-down of Bangkok’s two international airports important in a supply chain perspective? So far, the issue has been stranded tourists, maybe as many as 100000. Not only that, air freight will also be impacted, but why is this important?

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Ericsson versus Nokia - the now classic case of supply chain disruption
When faced with a supply chain disruption, proactive and reactive supply chain risk management can i[...]
Less supply chain disruptions with vendor managed inventory?
How does a traditional supply chain compare to a vendor managed inventory supply chain when it comes[...]
Book review: The Network Reliability of Transport
I guess you would have to have attended the conference yourself or be a researcher in this very fiel[...]
Book Review: Transportation GIS
This book showcases many examples of how GIS can be applied in the field of transportation using Arc[...]
Analysing road vulnerability in Norway
How does the Norwegian Public Roads Administration NRPA assess the vulnerability of the Norwegian ro[...]
Supply chain vulnerability: an invisible global risk?
Supply chain disruption - a global issue? All companies and governments dependent on external suppli[...]
from HERE and THERE
The European Supply Chain & Logistics Summit
In the current financial downturn what should be - or what will be - on the mind of supply chain and[...]
JavalancheTM – analyzing hazards to roads
Traditionally, in studying the effect of hazards on roads, a hazard map is prepared based on the haz[...]