Blog Archives

Save costs and the environment

Hitting two birds with one stone? Can you shrink manufacturing costs while at the same time operate in an environmentally friendly manner? Veolia Environment thinks it’s possible and presents their ideas in a WTG webinar.

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Operational Excellence – or not

Operational excellence or OpEx for short, what does that imply? A webinar on Top 5 OpEx Success Strategies will help you become more successful, using Lean and OpEx to enable and accelerate business growth.

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Retail Operations in China

With a large population of fashion and brand conscious consumers increasing their spending as their incomes rise, the consumer retail market in China is expected to continue to grow, opening up huge expansion opportunities for European and US retail stores.

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Global Risk and Compliance – Are you protected?

Trade Compliance and Export Control are not just buzzwords in global supply chain. They represent significant risks, and breach of trade rules and regulations can have serious ramifications for businesses, Consequently, knowing the risks is important for any international company.

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Trade compliance risks

This webinar – in German – takes a closer look at the risks and pitfalls involved in trading across borders, and in particular how non-compliance with trade and regulations can severely hamper supply chain operations.

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Supply Chain Risk Webinars

I do have a lecture on supply chain risk, but not in webinar style. Perhaps it’s time to reconsider.

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Emergency Logistics
Can commercial logistics' ideas and solutions work in humanitarian supply chains? No. Why? Well, per[...]
Transport Network Disruption
Today is my last day at work as Researcher at Møreforsking Molde. It is a sad day, because I am leav[...]
Book Review: Customs Risk
International trade and global supply chains are filled with goods that are criss-crossing the globe[...]
Book Review: The Resilient Enterprise
To me, this book by Yossi Sheffi was an eye-opener, not so much for it's academic value, but for it'[...]
Critical Infrastructure and Resilience
What happens when a business is disabled for a length of time? What are the impacts on its profitabi[...]
Assess the vulnerability of your production system
So far I have reviewed "international" literature and web sites, and it is only fitting that now it [...]
from HERE and THERE
It's already Norway?
The food supply chain. Did you know that 25% of the world's food supply are lost because of spoilage[...]
The IRM Risk Management Standard
The Institute of Risk Management (IRM) is risk management's leading international professional educa[...]