Blog Archives

Sustainability means less vulnerability?

A sustainable supply chain is a supply chain where resources are not just consumed but also replenished, and where business decisions consider long-term overall environmental and societal impacts.

Posted in THIS and THAT
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Corporate vulnerability
Göran Svensson is one of the leading key figures in supply chain vulnerability research and his conc[...]
German Autos at risk? Perhaps not.
The German automotive industry. Volkswagen, Mercedes, Porsche, Audi, BMW. The embodiment of craftsma[...]
Book review: Cost-Benefit Analysis: Theory and Application
I really enjoyed reading Cost-Benefit Analysis: Theory and Application by Tefvik Nas.  I used this b[...]
Book Review: Transportation GIS
This book showcases many examples of how GIS can be applied in the field of transportation using Arc[...]
Stemming the rising tide
Are you are taking radically different actions than your peers when it comes to supply chain risk ma[...]
The supply chain of the future
Many global supply chains are not equipped to cope with the world we are entering. Most were enginee[...]
from HERE and THERE
MITIP2009 – a conference worth considering
The purpose of the Modern Information Technology in the Innovation Processes of the Industrial Enter[...]
Piracy at sea - is your supply chain at risk?
You may not consider it the foremost supply chain risk, but piracy can endanger civilians, can disru[...]