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The worst roads in the world’s richest country

It is not the planning authorities or the central government who decides infrastructure development in Norway, but the local politicians. To put it simple, what in the US is known as “pork barrel spending” is what rules many of Norway’s infrastructure development projects. Why?

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Friend or foe or both?
Realities of supply chain collaboration
Supply chain collaboration, easy or difficult? And can it really work? In theory yes, but in reality[...]
What is Freight Transportation System Resilience?
Resilience is the new buzzword in Supply Chain Management, and has slowly trickled into transportati[...]
Book Review: Managing Risk and Resilience in the Supply Chain
This book is a gem. To me. Where Helen Peck in her article Reconciling supply chain vulnerability, r[...]
Supply Chain Continuity
Many business owners will have come across the term business continuity, and many supply chain owner[...]
Global Risks 2009 - Countries at risk?
How will the current financial downturn affect supply chains? That's what we all wonder about, isn't[...]
Supply Chain and Transport Risk
We are living in a new world of risk that is making this world unprecedentedly complex and challengi[...]
from HERE and THERE
Another volcanic ash cloud crisis?
Rewind your thoughts one year: Iceland. Volcano eruption. Air travel. Then look at today's news. Are[...]
Cutting costs or cutting risks?
One of the blogs I like to browse from time to time, particularly when looking for topics related to[...]