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The worst roads in the world’s richest country

It is not the planning authorities or the central government who decides infrastructure development in Norway, but the local politicians. To put it simple, what in the US is known as “pork barrel spending” is what rules many of Norway’s infrastructure development projects. Why?

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Supply Chain Risk Management in six steps
Supply management is not just about acquiring goods and services at the best possible price. It's al[...]
Call for papers: S-D Logic and Supply Chain Risk
Is supply chain risk is now beginning to enter more and more areas of  supply chain thinking? It wou[...]
One bad apple...
...spoils the barrel? Yesterday I sat down to prepare a review of this book, Managing Risks in Suppl[...]
Book review: GIS for Transportation
Having been a student with Harvey Miller at the University of Utah 2000-2002 probably makes my revie[...]
Transport infrastructure resilience
Is it possible to devise a simple framework for assessing the resilience of the transport infrastruc[...]
America’s Crumbling Infrastructure
My daily morning routine includes a cup of coffee while watching the World Business Report on BBC Wo[...]
from HERE and THERE
Resilience Lessons from the Haiti Earthquake
The recent earthquake in Haiti is a poignant reminder of how vulnerable a country is when it is faci[...]
Economies of scale
In an article in the Norwegian newspaper Dagbladet today, some of Norways's major construction busin[...]