Yearly Archives: 1999

How to use IDRISI GIS

This paper was written in 1999 as part of my coursework for the MSc in GIS at the University of Leicester, UK. Later revised in 2002 and 2008

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Road Transportation Management using GIS – vehicle routing and tracking

Roads are main arteries of modern society’s infrastructure, contributing heavily to the distribution of goods and persons. GIS provides many helpful applications for ensuring a smooth flow, by aiding design, routing, traffic control and real-time navigation.

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Network analysis – raster versus vector – A comparison

The key to producing successful network models is in understanding the relationship between the characteristics of physical network systems and the representation of those characteristics by the elements of the network model.

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Not all risk is risk
How to define, understand and describe risk
I had planned to post this yesterday, when I was taken by surprise by the most severe supply chain a[...]
Supply Chain Flexibility in Strategic Networks
A supply chain as a virtual enterprise network. That is the underlying reasoning in the 2009 paper H[...]
Book Review: Supply Chain Risk
This book, Supply Chain Risk, is from 2004 and edited by Clare Brindley of the Manchester Metropolit[...]
Book Review: Risk Modeling, Assessment, and Management
First published in 1998 and now already in its 3rd edition in 2009, but still unknown to me, althoug[...]
Future Value Chain Trends 2020
The twelve future trends that will shape value chains and supply chain management during this decade[...]
The UK Transport Network Resilience...and I
UK Transport Network Resilience
For a budding and even for a seasoned researcher, nothing is more rewarding than to have one's publi[...]
from HERE and THERE
Lean logistics = risky logistics?
A posting on Evolving Excellence called Long is not Lean caught my attention the other day. The auth[...]
Network analysis – raster versus vector – A comparison
Network analysis in GIS is often related to finding solutions to transportation problems. In a GIS t[...]