MFworks Tutorial – 16 Shortest Path II

Creating proximity surfaces for path(s) in time interval 2 and adding these together yield the shortest path(s) through time interval 2.

SpreadFromCutoff1_Time2 = Spread Cutoff_Point1
To 600
In costoftravel_time2
Outof direction

SpreadFromCutoff2_Time2 = Spread Cutoff_Point2
To 600
In costoftravel_time2
Outof direction

SpreadFromCutoff3_Time2 = Spread Cutoff_Point3
To 600
In costoftravel_time2
Outof direction

SpreadFromCutoff4_Time2 = Spread Cutoff_Point4
To 600
In costoftravel_time2
Outof direction

SpreadFromStop_Time2 = Spread stopTo 600
In costoftravel_time2
Outof direction

ShortestPath1_InNetwork_time2 =
SpreadFromCutoff1_Time2 + SpreadFromStop_Time2

= SpreadFromCutoff2_Time2 + SpreadFromStop_Time2

ShortestPath3_InNetwork_time2 =
SpreadFromCutoff3_Time2 + SpreadFromStop_Time2

ShortestPath4_InNetwork_time2 = SpreadFromCutoff4_Time2 + SpreadFromStop_Time2

The shortest path is delineated by the cells with the lowest value(s). The value is the actual cost of using this path. Using the Legend function this path can be derived by changing the color of the cells with the lowest value until a continuous path from origin to detination can be seen.

Here, path 4 is the sought path.

The total cost for the path is 170 + 85 = 235. (Cutoff in time interval 1 plus the cell valuefor the path in time interval 2)

MFworks – step by step

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