Blog Archives

Posts inspired by whatever else I find interesting

A Christmas To Remember

This has truly been a year of continuous supply chain disruptions, and many businesses have felt the effects of the pandemic. I realize now that I should have seized the opportunity long ago to reinstate this blog in the early months of 2020, not now, when it it is nearly over.

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Raising the dead

This site has been dormant for more than five years now. Am I going to revive it? Yes I will! In the very near future. Finally I have found the time and will and inspiration to write again. Stay tuned.

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Near-shoring – less risk?

The current slowdown in China is due to “near-shoring,” the practice of producing closer to the customer, and NOT as many economists would say, due to a looming economic crisis in China. True?

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ISCRIM – so much catching up

ISCRIM – 4 years ago it was a very big part of this blog. But – I haven’t completely left supply chain risk territory; rather I’m like standing at the top of the pyramid in Helen Peck’s 2005 article on Reconciling supply chain vulnerability, risk and supply chain management.

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Resilience as a job description

So I now call myself “Resilience Adviser”. And what do I do? My job is to oversee that the state-managed road network in my region is planned, built, operated and maintained so that it can function 24/7/365, and thus ensure societal safety and societal security.

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Migrants and European supply chains

Truckers caught up in Europe’s migrant crisis say business is increasingly disrupted by queues and stowaways, but they are far more worried governments will step up border controls

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Save costs and the environment

Hitting two birds with one stone? Can you shrink manufacturing costs while at the same time operate in an environmentally friendly manner? Veolia Environment thinks it’s possible and presents their ideas in a WTG webinar.

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Crisis? What crisis?

An “ordinary” contingency is not a crisis. An extraordinary contingency is a potential crisis. It is only when the ordinary contingency plans fail or when the ordinary contingency measures are not enough that we have potential crisis at our hands.

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Operational Excellence – or not

Operational excellence or OpEx for short, what does that imply? A webinar on Top 5 OpEx Success Strategies will help you become more successful, using Lean and OpEx to enable and accelerate business growth.

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4th SCRM Seminar Barcelona 2012

This is an event that should not be missed: The 4th supply chain risk managment seminar is once again held in Barcelona, 25th and 26th October 2012. This year: one full day for Supply Chain Management and one full day for Supply Chain Risk Management.

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ETC 2012 – Call for papers

Celebrating its 40th anniversary in 2012, the European Transport Conference or ETC is unique in Europe, attracting many transport practitioners and researchers across a broad spectrum of transport modes. This year’s conference is held 10-12 October in Glasgow, Scotland, UK.

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INSTR 2012 – Call for papers

The INSTR series is the premier gathering for the world’s leading researchers and professionals interested in transportation network reliability, to discuss both recent research and future research directions. The deadline for submitting abstracts is 30 January 2012.

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Retail Operations in China

With a large population of fashion and brand conscious consumers increasing their spending as their incomes rise, the consumer retail market in China is expected to continue to grow, opening up huge expansion opportunities for European and US retail stores.

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CNN: The Gateway

In this series Becky Anderson goes behind the scenes of the world’s major transport hubs, revealing the logistics that keep goods and people moving. We may not always give it much thought, but supply chains are all around us, and logistics is what makes the world tick.

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The ISCRiM Newsletter

Are you looking for the latest in supply chain risk research? The ISCRiM Newsletter is filled to the brim with exciting news and links that a researcher in supply chain risk ought to be aware of. It’s a who’s who and what’s what in supply chain risk management. Not to be missed.

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Retail SCM Summit 2011

China is a rising economic powerhouse and on its way to become the world’s second largest consumer market after the United States. With the government putting high priority on boosting domestic consumption, Chinese retailers need to understand the increasingly sophisticated Chinese consumer.

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What are you afraid of?

What do businesses in Scandinavia fear the most? The answer may surprise you…or maybe not. Interestingly, what is most on managers’ minds is very different from country to country. Supply chain risks do not rank very high. Actually, unless you count them in implicitly, they do not rank at all…almost.

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Supplier Risk Management

Value Generation through Supplier Risk Management is a survey that aims to explore the potential value of effective risk management in supplier relationships and to provide insight into the supplier risk management practices and attitudes of organizations across multiple industry segments.

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3rd Supply Chain Risk Management Seminar 2011

It is now official: The 3rd Supply Chain Risk Management Seminar 2011 will be held in Barcelona, Spain, 26-27th October this year. This year’s program is still in the making but some topics and speakers are already out, and there are a lot of reasons for going to Barcelona this year.

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Supply Chain Performance Metrics

Many business decisions are made as supply chain decisions, but many supply chain managers are perhaps not fully aware of how the supply chain metrics they juggle in their day to day operations impact the overall financial performance of they company they work for.

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Single, sole, dual, multiple sourcing?
Old classics never die. While some papers are written, published and quickly forgotten (because no o[...]
Categorization of Supply Chain Risk
In chapter 2 in Supply Chain Risk by Claire Brindley, there is a framework for assessing and positio[...]
ISCRiM 2010 Proceedings
Two weeks ago I attended the ISCRiM 2010 seminar at Loughborough University, a gathering of some of [...]
Understanding risks in Virtual Enterprise Networks
Today's unstable and highly competitive business environment has created a shift in how enterprises [...]
Will Climate Change have an impact on transportation?
Many studies have already examined the potential impacts of climate change on broad sectors of the e[...]
Supply chain vulnerability: an invisible global risk?
Supply chain disruption - a global issue? All companies and governments dependent on external suppli[...]
from HERE and THERE
SAAB no more...
What do you when your major customer goes bust? How do you cope with finding a new business partner?[...]
MITIP 2011 in Trondheim, Norway
This conference is a bit on the sideline for the topic of this blog, but since I have promoted it bo[...]